For more videos including a "Tour" from John & Ethan at Catch & Release
Welcome to 2025 at Windmill Lakes, France.
Again the catch reports were consistant throughout the 2024 season with some weeks being absolutely manic. 2 guys on in April had 43 fish between them with the biggest being 58lb 4oz, in May 41 fish between 4 upto 54lb 4oz and in August 3 guys had 47 fish out of the Carp lake upto 50lb 4oz. Most weeks saw at least 1 fifty pound fish landed.
The venue bait continued to perform and the feedback was very positive all year.
Due to a water quality problem late in the season it was decided that the top of the shallow arm of the Carp lake needed to be addressed so we hired a 16 ton 360 excavator and had it completley dug out, the area had a maximum of 50cm of water and was overgrown with trees now has 1.5 metres depth and will be a fishable area. The mud and silt has been spread over the bankside and during the coming summer will dry out to allow access. This coupled with more airation should reduce the possibility of the water quality problems reoccuring so it's back to the business of seeing fish on the bank.
Looking forward to welcoming back old friends and showing new guests why they come back every year.
March 29th
May 3rd
May 17th
July 26th
August 30th
October 4th
March 29th
April 5th
May 3rd
July 26th
August 30th
October 4th
Please contact us for further dates and info.
NOW BOOKING FOR 2026 & 2027
For more information or availability please contact us.
Cossé-en-Champagne, Mayenne, France
France: 0033 243 6983 32 Mobile: +33 749 044690